We designed WoTime for easy of use by employees and to give management and eagle eye view over the work and overtime counters. You will find below an highlight of the features that make WoTime unique.
Create new teams with the click of a button.
Change organisation of the teams by a simple drag & drop gesture.
Check in one view all your employees vacation rights and correct them on the fly.
Automatically update all bank holidays, and even non-working days, for any of the Swiss canton.
WoTime propose three major reports to get an overview of your employee work time, your employee vacations.
When you are using Passages with keycards or GPS another report will help you undestand when people get in or out of building.
Get an overview on how much work is done during each week.
Counts work time, due time, overtime and extratime.
Drill down to the details of each week day to understand how time was spent.
Due time can be alternated between even and odd weeks.
Complex agreement with employee can also be edited on a per week base.
Change history is recorded, you can rollback to a previous version of the work week.
Every employee can access reports about his work time, vacation usage and passages (keycard, GPS).
User can either be an employee and view his records or a manager and view the whole company information.
Each user can be view only or read & write.
WoTime can account for work-time on the basis of employee keycards passages at doors.
Current supported solutions are CDVI Centaur and we look forward to extend the support to other brands.